HC Deb 23 August 1945 vol 413 cc765-6
24. Mr. Harold Sutcliffe

asked the Minister of Labour whether he can now state the names of those appointed to the Commission which is to consider the post-war organisation of the cotton industry.

Mr. Isaacs

I have appointed the Hon. Mr. justice Evershed to be independent Chairman of the Commission which is to review the wages arrangements and methods of organisation of work in the cotton spinning industry and to make recommendations. The other members of the Commission will be four representatives of the Federation of Master Cotton Spinners Associations, two representatives of the Amalgamated Association of Card, Blowing and Ring Room Operatives and two representatives of the Amalgamated Association of Operative Cotton Spinners and Twiners. Each of the operatives' organisations has nominated two alternate members so that when the Commission is considering matters affecting the card room only, there will be four representatives of the card room operatives. Similarly, there are two alternative members nominated by the operative spinners' organisation who will sit when Commission is considering matters which affect only the operative spinners. I am circulating the full list of names in the Official Report.

Mr. Sutcliffe

Can the right hon. Gentleman say how long the work of the Commission is likely to take, and whether its report will be published in full?

Mr. Isaacs

I can only say at the moment that the Commission has begun work and the Chairman has very rapidly got down to his task. How long it will take I cannot say. I cannot give any promise on the question of publicity, but I should anticipate that the report would be published, because its findings are likely to be very valuable.

Following are the names: