§ Then the Speaker's Chaplain (Rev. Canon Don, D.D.), moved the congregation to Thanksgiving and Dedication, in the words following:
§ "Brethren, it is with full hearts that we gather here to-day to give thanks for the victorious ending of the war.
§ As is meet and right, we lift up our hearts in thanksgiving to God, saying, 'The Lord hath done great things for us whereof we rejoice.'
§ And as we humbly acknowledge that it is by his over-ruling providence that our cause has prevailed, so we thank him for all those through whom this mighty deliverance has been wrought. We thank him for the gift of great leaders: for the valour of our sailors, soldiers and airmen: for the devotion of the men of the Royal Merchant Navy: for the gallantry of those engaged in civil defence: for the courage and endurance of our people throughout our Commonwealth and Empire: and for the self-sacrifice of all who have laid down their lives for their friends.
§ And inasmuch as we know that the fruits of victory have yet to be gathered 51 in, we would here pledge ourselves afresh to the ordering of the world in righteousness and peace, praying God so to fill us with his spirit that we may be worthy instruments in his hand for the fulfilment of his purposes for our country and for mankind.
§ Let us therefore join in giving glory to God, and in dedicating ourselves to his service in the coming years."
There was then sung, by the whole congregation, "The Old Hundredth":
All people that on earth do dwell,
Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice;
Him serve with mirth, his praise forth tell,
Come ye before him, and rejoice.
O enter then his gates with praise;
Approach with joy his courts unto;
Praise, laud, and bless his name always,
For it is seemly so to do.
For why, the Lord our God is good:
His mercy is for ever sure;
His truth at all times firmly stood,
And shall from age to age endure.
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
The God whom heaven and earth adore.
From men and from the angel-host
Be praise and glory evermore.