HC Deb 11 April 1945 vol 409 cc1804-5

By which the inhabitants of Bessarabia are restored in the rights of citizens of the U.S.S.R. those of Bucovina are receiving Soviet citizenship.

The official gazette of the Superior U.S.S.R. Council under No. 13 of the 23rd of March, 1941.

  1. 1. All persons who on the 7th November. 1917, were citizens of the former Russian Empire and who on 28th June, 194o, were located on Bessarabian territory together with their children, whether or not they were Rumanian citizens before that date are restored in their rights as Soviet citizens as from 28th June, 1940.
  2. 2. Persons among those permanently located in Bessarabia, who on the date of 7th November were of Russian citizenship, but who from 28th June, 1940, did not live on Bessarabian territory and who were temporarily beyond the U.S.S.R. frontiers must before 1st May, 1941, register at the Agencies and Consulates of the U.S.S.R. as Soviet citizens, reporting either personally or sending by post a special declaration together with their passport or papers in order to give proof of their identity and of the fact that they were inhabitants of Bessarabia.
  3. 3. The present Decree does not apply to persons mentioned in Article 1 and 2 of the present Decree, who up to 28th June, 1940, had acquired any other citizenship, neither to persons who had lost Soviet citizenship by Decree of the Superior Central Executive 1805 Council of the Soviet Committee of the People for the Russian Federative Socialist Soviet Republic's Decree dated 15th December, 1921.
  4. 4. All persons who on 28th June, 1940, were located on the territory of Northern Bucovina, with the exception of foreigners and of persons who have been evacuated to Rumania after 28th June, 1940, and also excepting the persons who have lost the Soviet citizenship by Decree of the Superior Central Executive Council and of the People Soviet Committee of the Soviet Federative Socialist Russian Republics of 15th December, 1921, are recognized as Russian citizens as from 28th June, 1940.
  5. 5. Persons who have returned from Rumania to Bessarabia and Northern Bucovina after 28th June, 1940, according to the Agreement between Soviet and Rumania Authorities acquire the Soviet citizenship, as from the date of their return.

The President of the Superior Counsel of the U.S.S.R.


The Secretary of the Superior Counsel of the U.S.S.R.



Moscow, Kremlin.

8th March, 1941.