HC Deb 27 September 1944 vol 403 cc242-3
68. Sir Irving Albery

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry Of Works what types of temporary housing have now been approved in addition to the Portal bungalow.

Mr. Hicks

Three other types of construction, which have so far been found to have the qualities necesary for an emergency house, are available for inspection by hon. Members on the Tate Gallery site.

Mr. A. Edwards

What are the other types?

Dr. Edith Summerskill

Is my hon. Friend aware that I presented myself at the Tate Gallery site two days ago and was refused admission?

Mr. Hicks

I very much regret that. In reply to my hon. Friend the Member for East Middlesbrough (Mr. A. Edwards) the names of the other types are the Arcon, the Uni-Seco, and the Tarran.

Sir Oliver Simmonds

Must all these emergency houses be completely demolished? Cannot they be added to with permanent structures?

Mr. Hicks

They are intended as temporary buildings, and it will be for the Government to decide their future use afterwards.

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