HC Deb 19 October 1944 vol 403 cc2511-2
32. Mr. Lipson

asked the Minister of Education whether the by-laws existing in certain areas, under which children must remain at school till they are 15 years of age, will continue valid after April, 1945, in view of the decision to postpone the raising of the school age.

Mr. Butler

The Education Act, 1944, in effect, repeals all school attendance by-laws made under the Education Act, 1921, including by-laws raising the leaving age locally to 15.

Mr. Lipson

Is my right hon. Friend aware that this will be a retrograde step in areas which have had the 15 years leaving age by-law for 10 years or more; and cannot he take action to regularise the position? Will voluntary attendance be permissible?

Mr. Butler

Yes, Sir, voluntary attendance will be permissible, and I hope it will not be long before the school leaving age is raised to 15. I recognise that my hon. Friend's district has given a great lead in this direction.

Sir Herbert Williams

Is there a large number of children over 14 at school in any of these districts?

Mr. Butler

The proportion staying at school in these districts has been very small, with one or two exceptions, of which my hon. Friend's district is a notable example, and there is one other.