HC Deb 18 October 1944 vol 403 c2361
40. Lady Apsley

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies how many women have, within the last three months, received transport facilities to the Colonies; and how far newly married British wives of Dominion soldiers are given precedence in that respect over men time-expired, discharged or ex-prisoners of war who are now awaiting their return in this country after years of absence from home.

Colonel Stanley

The number of women who have been provided with transport facilities to the Colonies since the 19th July, 1944, is 892. This includes officials, non-Government employees, returning residents, and wives of men normally resident or employed in the Colonies. In addition 205 passages were arranged for children. The second part of the Question does not appear to be applicable to the Colonies. If any case should occur no precedence would be given.

Lady Apsley

Is my right hon. and gallant Friend satisfied that no ex-prisoners of war are awaiting transport either to the Colonies or to the Dominions?

Colonel Stanley

That is another question. There are prisoners of war awaiting repatriation.