HC Deb 17 October 1944 vol 403 cc2187-8
40. Captain Cunningham-Reid

asked the Secretary of State for War what steps he is taking to see that Home Guards who have until recently been manning Home Guard A.A. batteries at night are continuing their duties at full strength.

Sir J. Grigg

The extent to which A.A. batteries are manned is governed by the operational needs at the time.

Captain Cunningham-Reid

Is the Minister aware that, as a result of his broadcast stating that Home Guard duties should again be voluntary, commanding officers at sites not far from this House are able to get only 25 per cent., sometimes as little as 10 per cent., manning of Home Guard A.A. guns? Is he satisfied with such a state of affairs, which assumes that there will be no more piloted air raids on London?

Sir J. Grigg

It is very difficult to give a categorical assurance that I am satisfied about anything, but the hon. and gallant Member can be assured that the manning of these A.A. batteries, as operational needs require, will be a matter for the closest attention.

Mr. J. J. Lawson

Is it not an ill-service to this country for the hon. and gallant Member to make such statements?

74. Mr. J. J. Lawson asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that a large number of members of the Home Guard had already handed in their equipment before it was announced that the Home Guard would be allowed to retain battle dress, etc., and whether he will arrange to include the members of the Home Guard who have already resigned for this purpose.

Sir J. Grigg

I was not aware that any members of the Home Guard had yet handed in their uniforms and if this has been done it is contrary to the instructions which have been issued. I regret that a re-issue of unforms to ex-members of the Home Guard cannot be made.