HC Deb 09 October 1944 vol 403 c1471

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House do now adjourn."—[Mr. James Stuart.]

Mr. Attlee

The House will wish me to inform them that the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary have arrived safely in Moscow for discussions with Marshal Stalin and M. Molotov. They are accompanied by the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, and the chief staff officers of the Minister of Defence, together with other military advisers. This meeting is the sequel to the meeting between the Prime Minister and President Roosevelt at Quebec. Marshal Stalin, who was unable to accept the invitation to go to Quebec, welcomed the opportunity to meet the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary so soon afterwards. The meeting in Moscow has the fullest approval of the United States Government, and the United States Ambassador, Mr. Averell Harriman, will be the representative of the United States at the conversations.

Motion, by leave, withdrawn. Resolved: "That this House will immediately resolve itself into a Committee on the Town and Country Planning Bill."—[Mr. James Stuart.]