HC Deb 16 November 1944 vol 404 cc2209-10

Lords Amendment: In page 54, line 38, at end, insert new Clause D (Provisions as to ecclesiastical property). (1) Where the fee simple in any ecclesiastical property is in abeyance it shall be treated for the purposes of a compulsory purchase of the property authorised under this Part of this Act as being vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, and any notice to treat shall be served, or be deemed to have been served, accordingly. (2) Where under this Act any notice other than a notice to treat, is required to be served on an owner of land, and the land is ecclesiastical property, a like notice shall be served on the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. (3) In this Act the expression 'ecclesiastical property' means land belonging to any ecclesiastical benefice or being or forming part of a church subject to the jurisdiction of the bishop of any diocese or the site of such a church, or being or forming part of a burial ground subject to such jurisdiction.

Mr. W. S. Morrison

I beg to move, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment." This Amendment is designed to remove uncertainties and difficulties as to the disposal of church property such as glebe land, consecrated churches and churchyards. We have mentioned the Ecclesiastical Commissioners as the one statutory central church authority to assume all the necessary obligations.

Question put, and agreed to.

Subsequent Lords Amendment to page 55, line 3, agreed to.