HC Deb 15 November 1944 vol 404 c1931
1. Mr. Driberg

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will give an assurance that neither General Franco nor any representative of his régime will be invited to take part in any discussions on the peace settlement in Europe.

5. Mr. Parker

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, what is the attitude of His Majesty's Government to the recent speech of General Franco demanding the right to attend the Peace Conference.

The Minister of State (Mr. Richard Law)

So far as His Majesty's Government are concerned, they see no reason why any country which has not made a positive contribution to the United Nations' war effort should be represented at the peace conference or at any discussions on the peace settlement.

Mr. Driberg

Can we take it from that very satisfactory answer that His Majesty's Government are not deceived by the belated lip-service to democracy of General Franco?

Mr. Law

I think His Majesty's Government are more wide awake than some people suppose.

Mr. Leach

Has Mr. de Valera applied for a seat?