HC Deb 15 November 1944 vol 404 cc1948-9
30. Mr. Hammersley

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether it has been found possible to include Jews interned in Mauritius amongst the 10,300 permitted entrants into Palestine; and, if so, what is the quota.

Colonel Stanley

No, Sir.

Mr. Hammersley

In view of the fact that husbands and wives have been separated now for four years, is not this a hardship and cruelty which ought to be mitigated, if possible?

Colonel Stanley

I think that the people who are in this quota, are in even more difficult circumstances than those in Mauritius.

Mr. Sorensen

In view of the fact that many of these people are living under very distressing circumstances, could not some system of priority be introduced by which those who have been there for some years would be enabled to go to Palestine?

Colonel Stanley

The people included in the quota of 10,300 are living under much more distressing circumstances than the people in Mauritius.

Mr. Graham White

In considering this matter, which is causing great concern to a large number of people, as the situation is very undesirable and unfortunate, can my right hon. and gallant Friend hold out any hope of anything being done?

Colonel Stanley

I am certainly considering it, but my hon. Friend will realise that the recent happenings in Palestine are not making any of these questions any easier.

Rear-Admiral Beamish

Is it a fact that a large number of Jews in Palestine are now applying for exit permits and, if these are granted, would not that allow of a certain number of people from Mauritius to take their places?

Colonel Stanley

Perhaps my hon. and gallant Friend will put that question down, as it deals with rather a different point.

Miss Rathbone

Does the right hon. and gallant Gentleman's answer really mean that these people who have been there for more than four years, are permanently excluded from the White Paper quotas? If so, that is terrible news, and worse than any reply he has given so far. Many of these people are suffering acutely from ill-health and bereavement.

Colonel Stanley

No, Sir, it does not mean that.