HC Deb 15 November 1944 vol 404 cc1950-1
32. Mr. Edmund Harvey

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will give details of the provision which is being made for educational grants to demobilised members of the Forces who need such assistance.

Colonel Stanley

The majority of Colonial Governments are preparing schemes for the technical or vocational training and the further education of members of their Forces on demobilisation and I have asked for details of their proposals, including particulars of allowances payable to persons in training. Arrangements are also under consideration for the training and education in this country of Colonial persons who are serving in Imperial Service Units and the Governments concerned have been asked for particulars of the openings which are expected to be available for the men on their return home.

Mr. Harvey

Would my right hon. and gallant Friend see that those Colonial Governments which have not yet prepared a scheme are encouraged to do so without delay?

Colonel Stanley

Yes, Sir. They are all treating it as a matter of urgency, and they are hoping to have pamphlets available for issue to their people in the Forces.

Mr. Turton

Would my right hon. and gallant Friend consider publishing a White Paper setting out the plans for demobilisation, re-settlement, and educational pensions in the Colonies?

Colonel Stanley

As I say, all these Governments will issue pamphlets to their own troops, and what I have in mind would be to collect the pamphlets and make them available in this country and, of course, to the House.

Mr. Creech Jones

Can this matter be expedited, as large numbers of soldiers are now released who have been invalided out of the Forces through some misadven- ture and are hoping that facilities of this kind will be open to them, and the delay is causing some difficulty?

Colonel Stanley

Yes, Sir. It is being treated as a matter of great urgency.