HC Deb 07 November 1944 vol 404 cc1306-8

12.48 p.m.

Mr. Mabane

I beg to move, That the Potatoes (1944 Crop) (Charges) Order, 1944, dated 24th October, 1944, made by the Treasury under Section 2 of the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939, a copy of which Order was presented on 31st October, be approved. After fish, may I say chips? This Order, which imposes levies on certain types of potato sales at the rates which have applied during the last three seasons, involves nothing new. We have to introduce it at the beginning of every potato season. It begins to operate on 1st November, roughly the beginning of the subsidised potato crop season, and ends with the end of the potato crop season. The levy is paid into the Ministry of Food, Potato Division, account, and the Order imposes charges on sales of ware potatoes, with certain exceptions set out in the Schedule, that is to say, potatoes that are passed into human consumption and others which were not originally intended for that purpose, at the following rates: On sale by licensed grower-salesmen, that is growers licensed to sell direct to retailers who are not licensed potato dealers themselves, and on sales made through licensed auctioneers, or under special licence, at the rate of Is. a ton. On sales by licensed potato buyers, that is to say retailers licensed to buy direct from the growers, at the rate of 2s. 6d. a ton.

It is provided that not more than one charge shall be paid when potatoes pass through the hands of two licencees who otherwise would be liable to pay. The levies do not increase the price to the consumer at all. They are direct impositions on the traders who do not use the normal wholesale channels, and this evens things out. The approval of the National Potatoes Advisory Committee, which is representative of all sections of the potato industry, has been obtained to this procedure and so, in presenting it to the House, we are able to report that it is agreeable to those concerned in this industry.

12.50 p.m.

Mr. Boothby

I think this might be an appropriate moment to say one word in praise of the administration of the Potato Division of the Ministry of Food. We do not always get a chance to praise Government Departments, but my right hon. Friend will recollect that during this summer a considerable quantity of potatoes was left in the North of Scotland and particularly in Aberdeenshire, and as soon as the attention of the Ministry of Food was drawn to this matter, the potatoes were expeditiously cleared. I would like to thank my right hon. Friend.

Question put, and agreed to.

Resolved: That the Potatoes (1944 Crop) (Charges) Order, 1944, dated 24th October, 1944, made by the Treasury under Section 2 of the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939, a copy of which Order was presented on 31st October, be approved.