HC Deb 07 November 1944 vol 404 c1247
47. Mr. Bellenger

asked the Prime Minister whether he will now consider the publication of despatches received from Commanders-in-Chief in the Field.

The Deputy Prime Minister (Mr. Attlee)

The position is as stated in the reply given to my hon. Friend on 2nd November, 1943, to which I have nothing to add.

Mr. Bellenger

May I ask my right hon. Friend whether this decision not to publish despatches from general Officers Commanding in the Field is one taken by the Prime Minister; and can my right hon. Friend say why Parliament is denied the opportunity of reading the despatches sent by these Commanders, as was done on every occasion during the last war?

Mr. Attlee

The decision is made, of course, by His Majesty's Government. The other points I answered in my previous reply to my hon. Friend.

Mr. Bellenger

My right hon. Friend has not answered the main part of my Question, which was, Why have these despatches been withheld from the public in a way in which they were not withheld in the last war?

Mr. Attlee

If my hon. Friend will look at the previous Question to which I have referred, he will find that he put a supplementary question in almost identical terms.

Mr. Shinwell

While there may be valid reasons on grounds of security for not publishing recent despatches, will my right hon. Friend consider the publication of despatches relating to the early part of the war?

Mr. Attlee

I am quite prepared to consider the matter, but as we are at present advised, it is not considered advisable, because it would give information to the enemy.

Mr. Bellenger

I beg to give notice that I shall raise this matter on the Adjournment.