HC Deb 01 November 1944 vol 404 cc782-3
21. Mr. Salt

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport whether any experiments have been carried out during the war in the use of pulverised coal-fired locomotives; and whether the research departments of the railways have any plans in this connection.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport- (Mr. Noel-Baker)

No experiments in firing locomotives with pulverised coal have been carried out during the war. Earlier experiments had shown that the consumption of fuel was slightly higher than in engines of the same class burning lump coal. The firing of pulverised coal also had other features which made it unattractive when it was compared with the normal methods of fuelling railway locomotives.

Mr. Salt

Has my hon. Friend no intention of having further research made, in case it is discovered that it is possible to use pulverised coal?

Mr. Noel-Baker

The experiments which were made showed that it was slightly more expensive and that the apparatus required was awkward, and it was thought to be dangerous on the foot plate. If, however, my hon. Friend has other evidence, I shall be very glad to consider it.

Dr. Morgan

Will the hon. Gentleman consider the undesirability of pursuing this matter, having regard to the danger of silicosis from inhaling pulverised dust?

Mr. Noel-Baker

That is one of the considerations.

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