§ 58. Mr. J. J. Lawsonasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he has any statement to make on the repatriation of the 800 prisoners of war recently released from enemy internment camps.
§ Mr. EdenYes, Sir. The exchange, which was completed at Barcelona on nth May, comprised seriously ill and wounded prisoners of war, medical troops, and civilians. In all, over 900 British Commonwealth, together with a certain number of American, prisoners were taken on board the "Gripsholm," and about 700 German prisoners were delivered to the hospital ship provided by the German authorities. About 90 German civilians were exchanged for an equal number of civilians of the United Nations, including 21 British. The British Commonwealth and American repatriates, less those who have been disembarked at Algiers, are due to reach this country towards the end of this week. The agreement covering this repatriation was negotiated through the Swiss Government, to whom, for their assistance on this and many other occasions, His Majesty's Government are deeply indebted.