HC Deb 16 May 1944 vol 400 c29
52. Mr. Stokes

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer how much money has been lent free of interest to the Government for the duration of the war; and how much for any defined period beyond the termination of hostilities.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Sir John Anderson)

I fear that figures cannot be given since it is not a question of loans contracted for definite periods but of the varying intentions expressed by the lenders when they made their interest-free loans. As stated in my reply of 9th May to the hon. Member for Newton (Sir R. Young) the majority of the lenders have expressed their intention of leaving the money with the Treasury for the duration of the war. Further details are given in the reply referred to, a copy of which I am sending to the hon. Member.

Mr. Stokes

Is the Chancellor aware that his predecessor stated that loans amounting to more than £50,000,000 had been made free of interest, and if his predecessor gave figures why cannot the right hon. Gentleman give figures?

Sir J. Anderson

Figures were given in a reply the other day, to which I have just referred.