§ 47. Captain Pluggeasked the Minister of Agriculture whether he can make any statement as to the revised by-law of the Essex River and Catchment Board which, if approved by his Department, may affect the cultivation of cricket bat willows.
§ The Minister of Agriculture (Mr. R. S. Hudson)The object of the revised bylaws of the Essex Rivers Catchment Board is so to regulate the future planting of willows that the Board's excavators will be able to operate along the banks of the rivers. Under the Land Drainage Act, 1930, a by-law is not valid until it has been confirmed by me. The Catchment Board gave the usual notice on the 13th April that on the expiration of one month from the date of the notice, during which period objections may he addressed to me, they intend to apply to me for confirma- 2081 tion of the by-laws. I have already received a number of objections and I will carefully consider them, together with any others that may reach me before the notice expires, if I receive the Board's request to confirm the by-laws
§ Captain PluggeMay I ask my right hon. Friend if he will bear in mind that cricket, though a slow game, is still played in this country?
§ Mr. DribergWill the Minister consider holding a public inquiry into this matter?
§ Mr. HudsonYes, Sir. I will certainly bear that suggestion in mind. I think I would like to wait until I have received all the objections, but I will certainly consider that.