HC Deb 11 May 1944 vol 399 cc2074-5
38. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Secretary of State for India if he has any further statement to make on the illness and present condition of Mr. Gandhi; whether he will also report on the health of Jawarharlal Nehru and Khan Abdul Goffur Khan; if they are receiving every medical attention; and whether they and other detainees are likely to be released.

Mr. Amery

Mr. Gandhi, whose health was giving cause for serious anxiety, was released solely on medical grounds on the 6th May. Subsequent bulletins issued by his private doctors have been reported in the Press. I have received no adverse reports on the health of Jawarharlal Nehru or Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, who will, of course, receive any medical attention that they may need. As regards the last part of the Question, the policy of the Government regarding the detention of the Congress leaders is on record and I have no further statement to make in the matter.

Mr. Sorensen

Might I ask the Minister whether Gandhi was not released unconditionally, and will not the same principle apply to the other detainees if, in fact, they become ill?

Mr. Amery

The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative, and the answer to the second part is that that is a matter which the Government of India will consider in due course.

Mr. Tinker

If Gandhi does recover, the right hon. Gentleman will not consider putting him back again?

Mr. Amery

That is a matter which we must leave until the situation arises.

Mr. Sorensen

Is there any truth in the report that Gandhi is about to see the Viceroy?

Mr. Amery

I have no information.