HC Deb 30 March 1944 vol 398 c1555
51. Mr. De la Bère

asked the Minister of Agriculture, whether, in view of the estimate that this year the labour supply on farms is down by some 20 per cent. and that there is some 10 per cent. additional work to do as compared with previous years, he can now make some general statement of the plans which his Ministry have made to contend with the work and the problem of the shortage of labour.

Mr. Hudson

I am afraid I cannot accept the figures quoted by my hon. Friend. It will, nevertheless, again be necessary to obtain a great deal of help from sources outside the industry for harvesting and many other seasonal operations, and we shall have to rely on volunteers to supplement the regular labour force. I am sending my hon. Friend a note explaining the nature and scope of the principal schemes for recruiting volunteers.

Mr. De la Bère

Does the Minister appreciate that there is still an acute shortage of labour on the farms?

Mr. Price

Can the Minister say if it is likely that Italian prisoners will be available in the coming harvest season, as in the past they have been very useful?