HC Deb 23 March 1944 vol 398 cc1128-9

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Clause stand part of the Bill."

Mr. Lindsay

Could the Parliamentary Secretary explain Sub-section (4), which relates to the issuing of instructions to local education authorities?

Mr. Ede

I hesitate to instruct a Scotsman in the use of the English language, but it states that my right hon. Friend and the Minister of Labour shall issue instructions to local education authorities and the local offices of the Ministry of Labour respectively, which means that my right hon. Friend will issue them to the local education authorities and that the Minister of Labour will issue them to the local offices of the Ministry of Labour.

Mr. Lindsay

I did not mean that; I meant these two Ministers would issue instructions—that we are getting it on a fifty-fifty basis.

Mr. Ede

All these things are bound up with future arrangements, which have not yet been determined, with regard to the whole range of employment of young people and their educational facilities during this period. At the moment, we are bound to have this Sub-section in the Bill so as to ensure that any such instructions and notices which are issued are issued jointly and with the knowledge of each Department.

Question put, and agreed to.

Clauses 44 and 45 ordered to stand part of the Bill.