HC Deb 22 March 1944 vol 398 cc839-40
25. Wing-Commander Hulbert

asked the Secretary of State for Air the policy of his Department in regard to the posting to home units of R.A.F. personnel who have served overseas for more than three years.

Captain Balfour

The normal tour of overseas duty in the R.A.F. is four years in the case of single personnel and married officers and men accompanied by their families, and three years in the case of married officers and men unaccompanied by their families. The posting home of personnel who have completed their tour is, of course, subject to the availability of shipping and to the exigencies of the Service.

26. Wing-Commander Hulbert

asked the Secretary of State for Air what arrangements exist for granting commissions to R.A.F. personnel serving overseas.

Captain Balfour

The arrangements for the grant of commissions overseas are broadly the same as those in the United Kingdom. Commanding Officers are required to make a monthly review of all airmen serving under their command as members of aircrew and to put forward the names of those considered suitable for commissions. Recommendations endorsed by Air Officers Commanding are forwarded to the Air Ministry and, if approved, commissioning takes effect from the date of the Squadron Commander's recommendation. Candidates recommended for commissions for ground duties in Commands abroad are interviewed by Command or Group Selection Boards and approved recommendations are forwarded to the Air Ministry for consideration. Commissioning takes effect from the date of reporting for duty as an officer.

Wing-Commander Hulbert

What is the position of airmen recommended for commissions in this country and posted overseas before the commission is granted?

Captain Balfour

Their chances are not in any way prejudiced. They are commissioned to serve in their new field or are brought home.

Wing-Commander Hulbert

If I bring to my right hon. and gallant Friend's notice a case of an airman recommended for a commission in this country and posted overseas 15 months ago, who has not heard anything about it, will he look into it?

Captain Balfour


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