HC Deb 07 March 1944 vol 397 cc1849-50
4. Mr. Foster

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power the name of the firm of accountants employed by his Ministry to check any claims made against the Coal Charges Order Fund; and whether these claims are checked at the collieries or on information supplied by the colliery owners concerned.

Major Lloyd George

There is no single firm of accountants employed by the Ministry to audit payments made out of the Coal Charges Account. The work of verifying the amount of the coal charge and the examination of claims against the Coal Charges Account (other than claims for grants to necessitous undertakings) is carried out under my instructions and the general supervision of my officers by the independent accountants appointed under the wages agreements. The work is carried out by the staff of the independent accountants at the collieries and their reports on the audit are submitted to and dealt with by my officers. Claims made by necessitous undertakings are examined by accountants especially appointed for the purpose.

Mr. Foster

Is the Minister aware of the statement which was made recently by the coal owners that these claims against the Coal Charges Order Fund were checked by independent accountants employed by the Ministry; and am I to take it from the answer that has been given, that these claims are checked by the employers' accountants, and then sent on to the Ministry for payment?

Major Lloyd George

Auditors of the coal owners do the work, but they are helped in that work by auditors on the men's side, and with regard to the necessitous undertakings, the final arbitrator is the Ministry itself.

Mr. Keeling

Do not drawings from this Fund for guaranteed wages under the Essential Work Order count as proceeds and thus diminish the amount otherwise available as price allowances, so that there is no additional charge on the Fund?

Major Lloyd George

I believe that is so.

Mr. Foster

In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I shall raise the matter on the Adjournment at the earliest opportunity.