HC Deb 02 March 1944 vol 397 c1571
44. General Sir Georģe Jeffreys

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT the terms of the proposed appropriate instrument, Royal Warrant, Order of His Majesty, etc., referred to in Clause 7 (2) of the Pensions (Increase) Bill.

Sir J. Anderson

The detailed application to the Services of the principles of the Pensions (Increase) Bill requires careful working out. I will communicate with my hon. and gallant Friend when I am in a position to announce the final details.

Sir G. Jeffreys

Will my right hon. Friend say whether the terms are substantially the same as those announced in his Bill and whether there will be an opportunity on the Bill to discuss the terms for the Services?

Sir J. Anderson

Yes, Sir. The intention is that the terms should be substantially the same; the form may be different but the terms will be substantially the same.