§ 13. Sir Richard Aclandasked the Secretary of State for Air whether his Ministry is now prepared to accept general responsibility for making a reasonable compensation to Miss Anette Mills in relation to a motor-car accident, of which he has been given particulars in correspondence.
§ Sir A. SinclairAs the hon. Member has been informed, the Air Ministry accepts financial responsibility for any legal liability which attaches to the driver of the Service vehicle. The question whether there is such a legal liability would, in the absence of a settlement between the parties, be decided by the courts.
§ Sir R. AclandDoes that mean that the step which this lady has to take is to bring a legal action against an officer who regrettably is now missing? Would it not really be right for the Air Ministry to accept liability for this accident, and arrive at a satisfactory settlement?
§ Sir A. SinclairI have no reason to suppose there will not be a settlement between the parties.
§ Sir R. AclandIf there is an early settlement, that will be satisfactory, otherwise I will seek to raise this matter on a suitable occasion, because it has been dragging on for a very long time.