HC Deb 22 June 1944 vol 401 c346
38. Mr. Edgar Granville

asked the Minister of Information if he will arrange for the B.B.C. day-to-day war reports to be broadcast upon a wave length which will enable British troops in other theatres of war to hear of the progress of the battle for Normandy; and if similar accounts can be telegraphed to the various Services newspaper publications.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information (Mr. Thurtle)

Both suggestions made by the hon. Member have been carried out ever since D-day.

Mr. Granville

Will the Parliamentary Secretary bear in mind the special claims of troops in Burma, who feel they are shut off from news? Will he also consider the question of a special wavelength, or using the wavelength of the American Army authorities?

Mr. Thurtle

I do not know whether the hon. Member is aware of it, but the B.B.C. war reports are broadcast on many different wavelengths in order to provide the widest possible coverage through the world, including those parts in which British troops are stationed.

Mr. Boothby

Will the Parliamentary Secretary consider representing to the B.B.C. the fact that some of their war reports might contain more news, and rather less noise? Some of them are almost inaudible.

Mr. Thurtle

I will convey what the hon. Gentleman has said to the B.B.C.