HC Deb 21 June 1944 vol 401 cc184-5
36. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what control exists in the West African Colonies respecting the advertisement and sale of drugs for which misleading and extravagant claims are made and high prices charged; and what was the value of patent medicines of all characters imported into West African Colonies in 1942–43.

Colonel Stanley

Legislation exists in Nigeria, the Gold Coast and Sierra Leone which prohibits the holding out, or recommendation of cures for venereal diseases or of aphrodisiacs, under penalty of six months imprisonment or a fine of 5o or both. As regards the second part of the Question, separate figures are not available for patent medicines, but the value of medicines and drugs imported into West Africa during the years 1942 and 1943 was 299,279 and£394,398 respectively.

Mr. Sorensen

May I ask whether any steps have been taken in regard to such advertisements, a copy of which I sent to the right hon. and gallant Gentleman, regarding brain powders and other noxious things of that kind?

Colonel Stanley

Yes, Sir, as I informed the hon. Member, I have taken the case up with the Governor to see what can be done. We must be very careful to see that no action whatever is taken to interfere with ordinary political freedom.

Mr. Sorensen

Is the Minister aware that this is a very obnoxious kind of private enterprise, and, at least, in this respect, does he not agree that some action should be taken?

Colonel Stanley

Yes, I agree with the hon. Member that advertisements of this kind, to ignorant people, can be very harmful indeed, and I will discuss with the Governor what action can be taken.

Colonel Sir A. Lambert Ward

Are not the vast majority of the drugs for which there is a keen demand in the West African Colonies, produced locally?

Colonel Stanley

That is so.

Mr. Sorensen

Are not the brain powders produced here?