HC Deb 14 June 1944 vol 400 cc1960-1
18. Mr. Quintin Hogg

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is prepared to make inquiries, similar to that undertaken by the Secretary of State for War, with a view to ascertain the extent to which registration for the Parliamentary franchise has been effected in the R.A.F.

Sir A. Sinclair

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Hogg

Does the right hon. Baronet also agree, that the proportion, so far, in the Royal Air Force is small, even as compared with the meagre proportion in the Army?

Sir A. Sinclair

No, I have no evidence to that effect.

Sir Herbert Williams

Does the right hon. Baronet expect to get a more satisfactory answer to his inquiries than the Secretary of State for War has yet got?

Sir Richard Acland

About when will the right hon. Baronet be able to state what proportion has registered?

Sir A. Sinclair

I shall never be able to tell the House the exact proportion. I can only make a check here and there, to make certain that the thing is working.

Sir R. Acland

When may we ask for the result of that check—in a fortnight, a month or three months?

Sir A. Sinclair

The hon. Baronet can ask when he likes, and I will do my best to provide him with up-to-date information.

Mr. Sorensen

Can the Secretary of State, meanwhile, give any approximate figure? Is it not his business to find out how these men are anticipating their future civil responsibilities?

Sir A. Sinclair

No, Sir, it is much too soon, I am afraid, to suggest even an approximate figure.

Mr. Moelwyn Hughes

Cannot the right hon. Baronet give us, quickly, a return of those who have registered in the home establishment?

Sir A. Sinclair

No, Sir, not quickly. But I am doing my best to see that this registration is going forward, and we are all trying to make it the greatest possible success.

Sir H. Williams

Why not ask one or two competent town clerks? They could do the job in a week.

Mr. Driberg

Could the right hon. Gentleman say if these facilities have now been made available to men of the R.A.F. Regiment on gun-posts and other outlying sites?

Sir A. Sinclair

I should like to see that Question on the Paper.