HC Deb 14 June 1944 vol 400 cc1974-5
42. Mr. Riley

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will have issued a list setting forth the number of Colonial Office Advisory Committees at present in existence: their personnel, their terms of reference, how often they meet and whether their Reports and recommendations will be made available to Members of Parliament.

Colonel Stanley

I will certainly issue a list on the general lines which my hon. Friend has in mind. In addition to the regular meetings of the full committees a great deal of work is done by sub-committees. These committees are advisory to the Secretary of State and stand in a confidential relationship with him. While many of their reports and recommendations have been published or otherwise made available to the House, it would not be possible to give an undertaking that this procedure should automatically be followed in every case.

Dr. Morgan

Can the right hon. and gallant Gentleman give the House some indication of the passport or password to these sacred tabernacles?

Colonel Stanley

When the hon. Member sees the list of these I think he will realise their efficiency and knowledge of the particular subject.

43. Mr. Riley

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies why the Colonial Office Social Welfare Advisory Committee was established; how often the committee has met; what are its terms of reference; and whether it has yet made any recommendations.

Colonel Stanley

The Colonial Social Welfare Advisory Committee replaces, on a wider basis and covering a larger field of welfare questions, the former Colonial Penal Advisory Committee, whose members submitted their resignations in order to facilitate the formation of the new Committee. The terms of reference of the Committee are, in general, to advise me on such questions as I may refer to them with regard to problems of social welfare. I am sending a copy of the full terms of reference to the hon. Member for his information.

Mr. Riley

Does the work of this committee overlap with the social welfare work of the Stockdale Commission?

Colonel Stanley

It is entirely different. The Stockdale Commission are the field workers on the spot. This is a central advisory committee on general problems.

Dr. Morgan

Could not the right hon. and gallant Gentleman publish the terms of reference in HANSARD?

Colonel Stanley

If the hon. Member puts down a Question on the matter I probably can.

Mr. Sorensen

Do the terms of reference cover the question of judicial offences?

Colonel Stanley

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Sorensen

Are the regulations made to cover penal offences?

Colonel Stanley

They still cover the original terms of penal reform.