HC Deb 14 June 1944 vol 400 c1967
32. Mr. John Dugdale

asked the Minister of Information how many British trade unionists broadcast to Germany each week and for how long a period.

Mr. Bracken

The B.B.C. devotes an aggregate of 1¾ hours a week to broadcasts specially directed to German workers. In these programmes a British trade unionist, who is a regular commentator, speaks twice a week. In addition there have in the past four months been ten broadcasts by British trade unionists. Important speeches by British trade unionists and items of trade union interest are also reported in news bulletins broadcast to Germany.

33. Mr. J. Dugdalé

asked the Minister of Information how many free Germans, who are known to be anti-Nazi, broadcast to Germany each week and for how long.

Mr. Bracken

There are a number of Free German organisations in this country, and they are not all in accord. Their members do not broadcast to Germany on the B.B.C. But broadcasts in German to listeners in Germany and Austria are given for an aggregate of over 46 hours each week and some of these are made by anti-Nazi Germans.

Mr. Dugdale

Would not the right hon. Gentleman agree that, while they are not in accord on everything, which is something also found in this House, they are in accord in one thing, namely, that they are against Hitler and the Nazis; and would it not be advisable to make as much use of them as possible, thus proving to the Germans that there are anti-Nazis?

Mr. Bracken

So far as I can discover from the conduct of these gentlemen, they seem to hate each other more than they hate Hitler.

Sir Alfred Beit

Is there not some reason to believe that these broadcasts are more effective when made by Britishers who speak German well?