§ 12. Mr. T. J. Brooksasked the Minister of Pensions if he will take steps to ensure that where there is a possibility of a claim on his Department for disability, all persons discharged on medical grounds from His Majesty's Forces shall be given a leaflet, setting out in concise form, the Regulations governing awards made by his Ministry.
§ Mr. PalingIn view of their comprehensive character it is not, I am afraid, possible within the limits of a leaflet to set out the Regulations governing awards made by my Department. The documents of all members of the Forces who are discharged on medical grounds are referred automatically to my Department for consideration and no action by the discharged person in the nature of a claim is, therefore, required.
§ Mr. BrooksIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that a number of these people, before they are granted a pension, can only appeal to charitable organisations and public assistance, and could not something be done for them during this period?
§ Mr. PalingIf that is so, I do not know that it arises from lack of knowledge that they have the right to make application.
§ Mr. BuchananIs the Minister aware that there is often a time-lag between the man's case being considered and the grant of pension, and that, during that period, the man is incapable of work and his only resort is the poor law or public assistance? Is that a good thing?
§ Mr. PalingI hope that the number of cases is very small. We do try, in the time allowed us, to pay pensions before the other allowance has ceased.
§ Mr. BuchananCan the Minister not, at least, represent to the Assistance Board that, in the interval, they might take over, rather than the poor law?
§ Mr. PalingI will consider that.
§ 14. Lieut.-Commander Hutchisonasked the Minister of Pensions the approximate number of cases in which a rent allowance is paid to widows under Article 29 of the Royal Warrant and the average amount of this allowance.
§ Mr. PalingI regret that separate figures for Army cases alone are not available. Up to 1st April last a rent allowance of an average amount of 4s. 8d. a week had been granted in nearly 19,000 cases under the various instruments administered by my right hon. Friend.