§ 59. Mr. Wakefieldasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he is aware that when a civil servant goes sick on a week-day he is entitled to have his Sunday rest day 1203 off in addition, but if he is required for duty on a Sunday but is unable to attend owing to sickness he loses his weekly rest day; and if he will put right this anomaly.
§ The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Sir John Anderson)I am not clear whether my hon. Friend is referring to an officer who is required to attend on Sunday regularly, or only occasionally. In the latter case the Sunday attendance is additional to the ordinary weekly attendance and time off may be granted in lieu of it; but if the officer is prevented by sickness or any other reason from attending on the Sunday he is not entitled to the time off. On the other hand, if Sunday attendance is a regular part of the officer's weekly duty and his weekly rest day regularly falls on some other day, sickness on the Sunday should not interfere with the weekly rest day.