HC Deb 27 July 1944 vol 402 c882
20. Viscountess Astor

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many local authorities have supplied the information required of them relating to the Home Office inquiry into the employment of schoolchildren; when can a report be expected of the result of the inquiry; and what steps are being taken now to deal with the serious cases of employment out of school hours during term time of children of tender age.

Mr. H. Morrison

Local authorities were asked to supply information by the end of this month and about 100 replies have already been received. When the replies have been examined, I will consider the point raised in the second part of the Question. As regards the third part, it is the duty of the local authorities to deal with cases of employment exceeding the hours allowed by the Act and by by-laws. If my hon. Friend knows of any such cases and will send me particulars, I will have inquiries made.

Viscountess Astor

May I thank the right hon. Gentleman for his reply? I will send him cases but, owing to the urgency of this matter, will he see that the authorities report soon? Local authorities have the statistics and it is only a question of gingering them up and making them do it.

Mr. Morrison

I will look into that.