HC Deb 27 July 1944 vol 402 cc939-40

Lords Amendment: In page 21, line II, leave out "act of."

Mr. Butler

I beg to move, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment."

Mr. Edmund Harvey

May we have an explanation on this point?

Mr. Butler

I think that the Amendment in which the hon. Member is interested has been passed, and I will explain this Amendment to leave out "act of," and the following Amendment in line 16, to leave out "the same Subsection" and insert "Sub-section (2) of the said Section." The first Amendment is designed to bring the wording of Clause 25 into line with Clause 24 (1) which was amended in Committee of the House of Commons by the omission of the words "act of," so that this is a technical, almost a surgical, Amendment to get the Bill right.

Question put, and agreed to.

Subsequent Lords Amendment in page 21, line 16, agreed to.