HC Deb 27 January 1944 vol 396 c852
52. Mr. Kirby

asked the Minister of Health whether he will visit Liverpool for the purpose of considering on the spot the treatment of tuberculosis and inspecting the provision of beds in hospitals and sanatoria for that purpose with a view to judging their sufficiency and suitability.

Mr. Willink

The matters to which my hon. Friend refers have been the subject of consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Hospitals and Health Committee of the Liverpool Corporation and the Medical Officer of Health, and I do not think it necessary to pay a special visit to Liverpool for the purpose suggested.

Mr. Kirby

If I send correspondence I have received to the right hon. and learned Gentleman will he reconsider the situation?

Mr. Willink

No, Sir; the matter is under close consideration. It is not easy to find time in these days for another visit to Liverpool—I paid one last week.