HC Deb 19 January 1944 vol 396 cc167-8
45. Flight-Lieutenant Challen

asked the Prime Minister whether he will reconsider the decision that when a soldier has served in France in 1939 and also in the North African campaign, he will not be entitled to receive medals for both.

The Prime Minister (Mr. Churchill)

At present the rule has been laid down that no one can have both the 1939–43 Star and the Africa Star. It would involve a very serious and complicated process to depart from this simple principle and I could not undertake to do so without a very much more detailed examination of all the reactions affecting individuals that would be involved. Two awards could not be given to the Army unless a similar duplication were permitted to the Navy and the Air Force. The complications are therefore obvious. It would be very proper, however, to raise this matter when the subject is debated.

46. Major Nield

asked the Prime Minister why R.A.F. personnel based in the United Kingdom, yet making operational flights over enemy territory, are not eligible for the 1939–1943 Star; and whether he will consider either amending this Order so as to make them eligible or instituting some other award for those engaged in this form of service.

The Prime Minister

These aircrews are eligible, provided the required period in an operational unit has been completed.

Major Nield

Is it not correct that headquarters station staffs do not qualify, however many operational trips they may make?

The Prime Minister

Does my hon. and gallant Friend mean in the air?

Major Nield

Yes, Sir.

The Prime Minister

I will look into that.