HC Deb 19 January 1944 vol 396 cc183-4
73. Mr. Riley

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that the prevailing wages for adult workers in the Seychelles are 15s. per month for a man and 9s. for a woman; and whether any steps are being taken to fix legal minimum wages on a reasonable level.

Colonel Stanley

My information is that in the Seychelles the average monthly rates of fixed wages are 15 rupees for men and seven rupees for women in the town, and 11 rupees and five rupees respectively in the country. These rates are fixed for, at most, six hours' work a day, and workers can double and even further increase their fixed wages by doing additional work of which there is no lack. As regards the second part of the Question, I expect to receive shortly the report of a local Commission of Inquiry which has investigated the increase in the cost of living of all classes. If the report shows that increases in fixed wages are justified and if difficulty arises in giving effect to any recommendations which are accepted by Government, the use of powers of enforcement under the Seychelles Wages Regulation Ordinance, 1932, will be considered.

Mr. George Griffiths

When these persons work overtime after the six hours, do they get paid time-and-a-half or time-and-three-quarters? It is a big wage they are getting.

Colonel Stanley

I could not answer as to the details but I say that if they do work overtime it enables them very substantially to increase their fixed wage.

Mr. Mathers

What is the trade union position in the Seychelles?

Colonel Stanley

If the hon. Gentleman will put the Question down I will endeavour to answer it.