HC Deb 18 January 1944 vol 396 cc116-7
Mr. Lewis

I beg to move, in page 2, line 40, to leave out from "held," to "up," in line 41.

My object in putting down this Amendment is merely to give the Minister an opportunity of explaining exactly the meaning of the words which I suggest should be omitted. It seems to me that the Clause as it stands might mean one of two things. It might mean that the words "may make payments" in line 40 refer only to the expenses mentioned earlier in the Clause, in which case it is a mere matter of drafting and need not detain us further but it seems to me possible that instead of meaning that it means that the words "may make payments" cover something very much wider than the expenses referred to in the earlier part of the Clause. I cannot make up my mind what is meant, and I want the Minister to say what the words do mean, because if they mean that the Minister has power to make some minor amendments, for example, of wages, of salaries, of these men during this period, I think the matter should be made quite plain to the Committee so that they can consider its desirability or not.

Mr. Tomlinson

Our purpose is that maintenance allowances may be paid to the individual while in training. If the Amendment were carried the only people who could undertake training would be those who could afford to take it because they had the means. This Clause enables the practice which is being followed at present to be continued, that is that when people go for training they shall receive maintenance allowances during the period they are in training.

Mr. Lewis

In these circumstances I would beg to ask leave to withdraw the Amendment.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Clause ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Clause 5 ordered to stand part of the Bill.