HC Deb 22 February 1944 vol 397 cc639-41
27 and 40. Mr. Evelyn Waldken

asked the Secretary of State for War (1) whether he is aware that despite promises previously given V cigarettes are still being issued to the troops in Italy; and whether the manufacture of V cigarettes has now ceased;

(2) what firms manufactured the V cigarettes as supplied to the troops; what price was paid for these V cigarettes and the estimated margin of profit that was allowed to the makers.

41. Mr. Ness Edwards

asked the Secretary of State for War how it came that the contract for V cigarettes for troops in the Middle East was placed with James Carlton, Limited, London; and what experience has this firm of manufacturing cigarettes.

42. Mr. Kirkwood

asked the Secretary of State for War what is the name of the firm manufacturing the V brand of cigarettes supplied to the Fighting Services overseas; and what is paid by the Government for these cigarettes.

Sir J. Griģģ

Arrangements have been made to supply cigarettes from this country to British troops in Italy and these cigarettes should be in issue instead of V cigarettes by the end of this month. The V cigarettes were supplied by the Indian authorities and, as far as I know, they were manufactured in India.

Mr. E. Walkden

Is the Minister aware that as recently as 21st February these cigarettes were issued to men of the Fifth Army and to troops in India? Does he recognise that the trade does not countenance in any way the manner in which this order for cigarettes has been handled by the War Office?

Sir J. Griģģ

As the order was handled by the India Office I do not know what the trade is talking about.

Mr. Walkden

Has the Minister smoked any of these cigarettes himself?

Mr. Kirkwood

Is the Minister aware that soldiers are just about breaking into riots about these cigarettes because they say they are made of horse-dung?

Sir J. Griģģ

I am aware of nothing of the sort.

Mr. Kirkwood

Well, the Minister is aware of it now because I have told him.

Sir J. Griģģ

In spite of that, I think it is extremely unlikely but in any case, as I have said, a supply of cigarettes will arrive from this country and will be in issue at the end of this month. As regards the constitution of the cigarettes I understand that the material to which the hon. Member referred may, in fact, be Indian tobacco.

Mr. Bellenģer

Would the Minister take an early opportunity of smoking some of these cigarettes?

Sir J. Griģģ

Certainly not.

Mr. Driberģ

Will the Minister answer Question No. 41, which he undertook to do but seems to have inadvertently omitted from his original answer?

Sir J. Griģģ

I have already tried to make it clear—perhaps the hon. Gentleman did not hear—that this is a matter for the India Office and that I understand that they are investigating it.