HC Deb 15 February 1944 vol 397 cc17-8
35. Commander Galbraith

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether he proposes to publish a Report of the evidence submitted to the National Arbitration Tribunal under the chairmanship of Lord Porter which dealt with the appeal for an increase in wages in the coalmining industry.

Major Lloyd Georģe

No, Sir. This evidence is not in my possession since the National Reference Tribunal, under the Chairmanship of Lord Porter, is an independent body, established after agreement between both sides of the coalmining industry, as part of the National Conciliation Scheme for the coalmining industry.

Commander Galbraith

In view of the dissatisfaction aroused by this award, were any of my right hon. and gallant Friend's officials consulted before the Board announced its award? If so, would it not be better to issue a report?

Major Lloyd Georģe

It would not be in my power to do so. This is an independent Tribunal, and it is not a matter for me.

Mr. Colegate

Did my right hon. and gallant Friend's Department offer any advice to the Tribunal before the award was made?

Major Lloyd Georģe

Officials of my Department were asked by the Tribunal for certain advice, and they gave it.

Mr. Colegate

Does not that mean that the Ministry must take a very large part of the responsibility for the findings of this Board?

Major Lloyd Georģe

Certainly not. There were other people who gave their advice as well. The Ministry give the advice they are asked for, and they take no responsibility for what use is made of it.

Mr. Hoģģ

Is not the moral of both the Greene and the Porter awards that it does not follow that an eminent lawyer is the right person to preside over such a tribunal?