HC Deb 15 February 1944 vol 397 c15
27. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what steps are being taken to bring about the complete scientific utilisation of coal with a development of industry to extract the maximum by-products.

Major Lloyd Georģe

During the war marked progress has been made, particularly through the work of the Fuel Efficiency Committee, in increasing the efficiency with which coal is utilised. At the same time, a considerable increase has been achieved in the completeness of the extraction of important by-products from gas and coal tar. I am fully aware of the importance of developing a national fuel policy designed to ensure that the maximum possible advantage to the nation is extracted from our coal. A considerable volume of research work, which should contribute to this end, is in progress by the Fuel Research Station and the research associations of the fuel industries, and plans are being made for the expansion of this work. The whole subject is being actively studied by my Ministry.

Mr. Smith

Is the Minister satisfied that the Ministry and others concerned are treating this matter with the urgency that the situation demands, and, in view of the need for an enormous increase in our economic production immediately on the termination of hostilities, are steps being taken to see that this important industry is used for that purpose?

Major Lloyd Georģe

I can assure my hon. Friend that I personally regard this as a matter of very great urgency. I think the hon. Gentleman would probably be a little surprised at the progress made during the war. I assure him that I regard it as one of the most important matters with which we have to deal.

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