HC Deb 10 February 1944 vol 396 c1876
7. Mr. Rhys Davies

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that Mr. F. A. Penny, employed by the Yeovil Corporation Gas Department for many years as works superintendent was required in June, 1940, to sign a declaration that he had not been since the outbreak of war a member of or actively engaged in support of the Peace Pledge Union, the British Union, the Communist Party or any other organisation whose objects are not in sympathy with the present aims of the British Government; that Mr. Penny, who could have replied in the negative, refused, considering such a declaration against public policy, and was dismissed on 26th June, 1940, with loss of superannuation right; and if he will secure this man's reinstatement in his previous employment, which was governed by the Essential Works Order.

Mr. Bevin

No, Sir. The first Essential Work Order was not made until March, 1941, and I am not in a position to take action in respect of a dismissal which occurred in June, 1940.

Mr. Rhys Davies

Will my right hon. Friend inquire into this case, which is clearly one of persecution of a man because he holds certain opinions?

Mr. Bevin

I am afraid I had no power to intervene before the Order was made.