HC Deb 09 February 1944 vol 396 cc1770-1
56. Mr. Evelyn Walkden

asked the Minister of Food whether he is aware of the effect of the cancellation of the Sales Prohibition of Stock Birds Order as compared with the successful operation of the Order in December and January last; and as it is now clearly established that hotel and restaurant caterers are again paying excessive prices to obtain these alleged stock birds, will he take steps to restore the essential features of this necessary control.

Colonel Llewellin

The Orders controlling the sale of stock poultry during December and January were intended to cover the Christmas trade only. A new Order is being made by the Agricultural Departments which will, it is hoped, give improved control over the sale of stock poultry throughout the year. If my hon. Friend will let me have the particulars on which he bases the allegation in the last part of the Question, I will gladly have them investigated.

Mr. Walkden

Are the Minister's officials not aware that retailers cannot now obtain poultry for their customers because of the activities of catering buyers in the country who are deliberately breaking the law, and does he not regard this matter as extremely urgent?

Colonel Llewellin

If we can get any particulars of any case in which people are deliberately breaking the law, proceedings will immediately be taken.

Mr. Walkden

The Ministry's people in the country know all about it.

Mr. Silverman

How is it that the Minister's Department is in complete ignorance about what everyone else in the country is very well aware of?

Colonel Llewellin

If the hon. Member is aware of any case and will let me know, I will certainly investigate it, and if necessary proceedings will be taken.

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