HC Deb 03 February 1944 vol 396 c1385
24. Sir John Mellor

asked the Minister of Health whether, in districts where overcrowding is acute, he will advise local authorities to release for occupation houses now held empty for emergency use.

Mr. Willink

I am afraid we have not yet reached the stage at which all accommodation reserved for the homeless could be released. It is a question of balancing the immediate needs of families unsatisfactorily housed against the potential needs of the homeless in the light of possible emergencies. The risk of attack is, of course, greater in some areas than in others, and, if my hon. Friend has any particular case in mind, I will certainly consider whether any further releases could be made.

Mr. Lipson

Can the right hon. and learned Gentleman say whether these houses are kept constantly under review, and whether it is considered that some of them could be released in certain areas?

Mr. Willink

The matter is kept under constant review.

Mr. Sorensen

Is the right hon. and learned Gentleman not aware that, in many areas, there is accommodation over shops which is quite empty or used for packing cases, and could he not make inquiries in that direction?

Mr. Willink

I know from my own experience in earlier years about that type of accommodation. It has been considered.

Sir J. Mellor

Does the Minister realise how annoying it is to those who are enduring the discomfort of overcrowded lodgings to see houses standing empty?

Mr. Willink

I fully appreciate that, but the embarrassment in the case of an emergency, for those who are bombed out, would cause even greater distress.

Mr. W. Thorne

Is the Minister aware that there are many houses for sale, but none for letting?