HC Deb 03 February 1944 vol 396 c1403
64. Sir J. Mellor

asked the President of the Board of Education what promises with regard to status and control were made on behalf of the Board to endowed schools which relinquished direct grants in accordance with Circular 1259.

Mr. Butler

No general assurances were given to schools, but in reply to inquiries individual schools were informed that, while their status would not be affected by their relinquishment of direct grant, local education authorities could not be precluded from attaching conditions to their financial aid to the schools.

Sir J. Mellor

Was not a promise made by the Permanent Secretary to the Board at that time that they would not suffer any extension of control by local education authorities?

Mr. Butler

I have been at pains to go into this matter carefully and, as I have said in my answer, perhaps my hon. Friend would like to discuss with me some of the schools in which he is interested and investigate it in that way.