HC Deb 21 December 1944 vol 406 c1928
33. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Secretary of State for India if he will state the number of deaths due to malaria and cholera for each quarter from 1938 to the present time; the amount of anti-malarial drugs available during 1944; the total consumption of such drugs annually before the war; and the latest figures for death rates and infantile mortality, if possible distinguishing those due to malaria and cholera.

Mr. Amery

I am circulating the detailed information regarding anti-malarial drugs in the OFFICIAL REPORT. I am asking the Government of India how far they can supply the remainder of the information asked for.

Mr. Sorensen

Will the right hon. Gentleman say whether malaria and cholera have decreased or increased in the last two years?

Mr. Amery

There was a temporary increase in Bengal after the famine period, and that has been very substantially reduced since. I could not give the figures for the whole of India.

Following is the information:

Of synthetic anti-malarial drugs 491½ million tablets were shipped to India in 1943. The shipments in 1944 to date total 632½ million tablets, in addition to 1,000 lbs. of totaquina. Quinine stocks in India in April, 1944, were 244,000 lbs. Indian pre-war production of quinine was 90,000 lbs. a year and is increasing. Pre-war consumption of quinine was about 200,000 lbs. a year and of synthetic antimalarial drugs negligible.