HC Deb 13 December 1944 vol 406 c1236
80. Wing-Commander Grant-Ferris

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what action has been taken to implement the recommendations of the Report on Mass Education in the Colonies.

Colonel Stanley

The far-reaching proposals made in this Report are still under consideration in most of the territories concerned. But in one, Sierra Leone, an experimental community education campaign on lines similar to those suggested in the Report has already been so successful that a grant has been made under the Colonial Development and Welfare Vote, for its extension to a wider area.

Wing-Commander Grant-Ferris

Will the Secretary of State consider this a matter of some urgency, as it is bound up with the question of the returning demobilised troops, who will be looking for educational facilities?

Colonel Stanley

Yes, I certainly regard it as a matter of great urgency but the hon. and gallant Member, with his recent experience, will know how terribly short of Colonial Service staff is nearly every Colony.