HC Deb 05 December 1944 vol 406 cc328-9
9. Mr. Alexander Walkden

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether effect has been given to all the recommendations for improving the coalmining industry contained in the Report thereon of the Royal Commission presided over by Viscount Samuel, which was issued in 1026 [Cmd. 2600].

The Minister of Fuel and Power (Major Lloyd George)

It is not practicable within the limits of Question and Answer to give details, but broadly speaking effect has already been given to most of the Commission's recommendations.

Mr. Walkden

Is the Minister aware that scarcely anything has been done in the matter of amalgamation in the last 18 years?

Major Lloyd George

The Coal Commission which, under Part II of the Act, was charged with the duties of amalgamation, as I said in reply to a Question some days ago, decided in its first Report not to proceed with the matter during the war.

Mr. Walkden

Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman sure that everything possible has been done that should have been done in the last 18 years?

Major Lloyd George

I am glad to say that my responsibility does not go quite so far back as that.

Mr. Austin Hopkinson

Will the Minister pay particular attention to the recommendation of the Samuel Commission which says: We come reluctantly and unanimously to the conclusion that the costs of production with the present hours and wages are greater than the industry can bear.