HC Deb 01 August 1944 vol 402 cc1141-2
11. Commander Sir Archibald Southby

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Economic Warfare why the Swedish shipping firm of Messrs. Axel Johnson and the firm owning and operat- ing the Grangesberg Mine now supplying iron ore to Germany are not included in the black list.

Mr. Foot

As regards the first firm mentioned in the Question, namely, Rederi A-B Nordstjernan, I have no evidence which would justify its inclusion in the Statutory black list. My information is that none of its vessels are being used to carry iron ore to Germany. Moreover, five ships belonging to this firm are now on charter to the Ministry of War Transport. As regards the company which owns the Grangesberg Mines, the only reason why we have not as yet included its name in the list is that such action did not seem likely to diminish the volume of shipments of Swedish iron ore to Germany. I must, however, make it dear that we should not hesitate to blacklist this Company if at any time we thought that its appearance in the list would serve any useful purpose.

Sir A. Southby

Will the hon. Gentleman look again into the question whether the Axel Johnson ships are not in fact conveying this ore to Germany? Is it not a fact that Wallenbergs are the firm behind this Grangesberg Mine?

Mr. Foot

In reply to the first part of the question, we have complete information as to the activities of all ships owned by this company and we have complete information as to what they are doing. In answer to the second part, on one or two occasions the hon. and gallant Gentleman has referred to Wallenbergs. I must make it clear—I speak from personal experience —that Mr. Marcus Wallenberg has throughout the war been a good friend to this country.

Sir A. Southby

But the hon. Gentleman does not say that he is not the owner of the mine now supplying ore to Germany?

Mr. Foot

If the hon. and gallant Gentleman will look at the answer I gave him last week, he will see that I gave particulars as to the ownership of this mine. The Enskilda Bank, which is the concern in which Wallenbergs are interested, has little or no interest in the Grangesberg Mine.