HC Deb 01 August 1944 vol 402 cc1165-6
65. Mr. Tinker

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if he has considered a letter sent to him by the hon. Member for Leigh containing a petition signed by 149 householders in Leigh division, drawing attention to the state of the houses they live in, which are becoming uninhabitable through the damage cause by mining subsidence; and will he have the matter investigated, to see what steps can be taken to prevent these people having to leave their homes.

The Minister of Fuel and Power (Major Lloyd George)

From such inquiries as I have been able to make about this case, it would appear that the rights of the various owners of the property concerned are not all the same. My hon. Friend is aware that, under the existing law, rights to support or to compensation for damage by mining subsidence depend on the terms on which the individual owner acquired and holds his property. The whole problem of mining subsidence is under consideration by the various Departments concerned, but an alteration in the law would mean highly complicated and controversial legislation, which cannot be contemplated at the present time.

Mr. Tinker

Will the right hon. and gallant Gentleman use his good offices to try to get the law amended as early as possible, because, not merely in Leigh but in other places, houses are undermined?

Major Lloyd George

I can assure my hon. Friend that I will do all I can, because I have a natural sympathy with these people.